Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Sunfresh Juice

Terdiri dari beraneka macam rasa buah asli, yaitu:

-> Orange (Jeruk) 

-> Pineapple ( Nenas ) 

-> Lemon

-> Apple

-> Soursop ( Sirsak ) 

-> Mango ( Mangga) 

-> Pink Guava ( Jambu ) 

-> Hawaiian Mix (Passionfruit-Orange-Guava Blends).

- Tanpa bahan pemanis.

- Tanpa bahan pengawet.

- Ukuran 2 liter , harga Rp 35 000

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Bugslock - Gelang Anti Nyamuk (Korea)

Gelang Anti nyamuk fashionable dengan aroma 100% alami (Citronella) . Tidak menyebabkan kulit kering. Dari bahan alami dan non-toxic. Aman untuk bayi . Dipakai di pergelangan kaki/tangan.

Cocok utk dipakai di outdoor activities spt. camping, mancing, dan utk bayi.

Panjang : 25 cm, Lebar : 1,8 cm ( 3 gram)

Life time : 120 jam /lebih ( tergantung pemakaian).

Harga per pcs : Rp . 30 000 .

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

Apple iphone 3GS , the newest gadget !

New 3GS Apple iPhone 16 and 32GB Black

Official Unlock Set.

Can use with worldwide sim card !

Type: Smartphone
Network Standard: --Condition: New
Camera: 3 Megapixels
Bundled Items: Headset, Wall Charger
Features: Bluetooth, Colour Screen, Email / Web, GPRS/Edge/ 3 G internet 3 mega ,video recording, voice control,
2x faster in opening applications compared to iphone 3G version, USB/wall charger

Price : 16 gb ( Rp. 9 juta) and 32 gb ( 11juta)

Subject to prior sales , contact 021 92133629 (hunix) or via email hunix.lim@gmail.com

Tensimeter Otomatis

OMRON SEM-1 Automatic Blood pressure monitor uses the oscillometric method of blood pressure measurement.The monitor detects your blood movement through your brachial artery and converts the movements into a digital reading.

It is easy to use, just press start/stop button and the cuff will start to inflate automatically. When the measurement is complete, the arm cuff automatically deflates and your blood pressure and pulse rate are displayed.

Price : Rp 385 000/unit , contact 021-92133629 (hunix)

Snack Talas ponti

Dijual snack talas ponti ... rasa dijamin enak, garing , kriuk-kriuk ..

Sekilo Rp 72 000. Minimal order 1 kg ( 1 kg = 4 bungkus Rp 18 000 )

Hubungi 021-92133629 (hunix)